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发布日期:2025-01-04 10:35    点击次数:69

网上冲浪的时候你有没有注意到这样一个群体【momo】(图源 小红书)圆脑袋小爪爪脸上还带着一团腮红(图源 小红书)头像整齐昵称统一momo们似乎无处不在、无所不言活跃于各个社交平台(图源 小红书)【momo】到底是?其实,“momo”们并不是一个“神秘组织”。“momo”和小恐龙头像是平台新用户注册时自动生成的默认信息,就像很早之前的“佚名”一样。最开始的那群“momo”只是因为懒得修改ID和头像。(图源 网络)Originally, the nickname and avatar for "momo" were generated automatically as default settings after new users registered their accounts. Now, increasing number of netizens have opted to change their avatars to a pink little dinosaur and rename themselves as "momo."随着“momo”群体的扩大,这个昵称和头像逐渐成为一种互联网冲浪“马甲”,颇有“大隐隐于市,小隐隐于‘mo’”的效果。因此,越来越多的老用户“改名换姓”加入“momo”大军,实现了“互联网隐身”。On the one hand, this decision is based on personal privacy considerations. Many people do not want their browsing history to be easily discovered by acquaintances in the real world, so they choose to wear a "cloak of invisibility" and join the "momo army."momo和之前的佚名有什么区别?回溯互联网传播发展史,匿名形式的应用变化,经历了Web1.0-Web2.0-Web3.0的进程。1993年,《纽约客》杂志随漫画推出了这样一句话:“在网络上没人知道你是一条狗”,这成为Web1.0时期人们描述网络匿名性特征的名言。随着21世纪初,“以真实性作为原则之一的Web2.0的出现,对互联网的匿名性认知带来了前所未有的撼动”,人们重新思考虚拟世界与现实社会的连接,匿名功能在行为中消解,在认知中动摇。进入Web3.0阶段,匿名功能重新获得用户赏识,Momo的兴起正是其表象之一。不过,这与其说是一种Web使用兴趣的复归,不如说体现了用户观念意识的进化。(图源 网络)一“mo”做事亿“mo”当你会在网上冲浪看到这样的”奇观“:momo们相互点赞、评论甚至吵架。谁也记不住这些留言者到底是哪个momo。(图源 网络)除了有趣,momo大军的存在,也给不少人带来了麻烦。有网友留言说,自从加入了momo大军,他开始肆无忌惮地在评论区发言了,“反正有别的momo替我背锅”。这给很多不明真相的网友留下了不好的印象——“取名叫‘momo’的,恐怕都是键盘侠吧”……一个“坏momo”,可能会“殃及池mo”,让集体承受骂名。(图源 网络)On the other hand, adopting the "momo" avatar provides people with a collective identity, which reduces social pressure and enables them to speak more freely online. In this way, people are able to enjoy the benefits of online communication and social support without fear of judgment or scrutiny.小编还为大家带来一篇相关的英文报道!大家可以进行阅读看看你读懂了文章含义吗?Why thousands of young Chinese people use a pink dinosaur as their aliasEmily Yuan, a high school student in Guizhou, lives a double life on the Chinese internet. On her main social media accounts on WeChat and Weibo, Yuan shares photos of herself and posts about school events, like a recent debate competition, for her friends and family to see. But on her alternative accounts, on Douban and Xiaohongshu, Yuan goes by the username “momo,” paired with a profile picture of a pink cartoon dinosaur. Under this alter ego, Yuan posts controversial commentary on everything from K-pop to feminism.Yuan is just one of tens of thousands of Chinese social media users who have adopted momo the pink dinosaur as their online alias, as a way to speak more freely, evade harassment, and protect their privacy. Today, you can find momos in all corners of the Chinese internet — from Douban forums on youth unemployment to Xiaohongshu posts recommending New York restaurants to Weibo threads discussing new TV shows. Douban’s momo group has over 11,000 members, while Xiaohongshu has over 10,000 users named momo, according to Chinese social media analytics site NewRank.Momo was originally the default username for new accounts on Douban or Xiaohongshu. It then became popular in Douban communities like Goose Group — members used it to safely gossip about celebrities without being harassed by competing fandoms.Ding Ran, a 25-year-old product manager based in Beijing, first adopted momo as her Douban username in 2023. She wanted to post about her favorite Taiwanese actor, Danson Tang, on social media, without being attacked by fans of Tang’s rivals. “Fandoms are filled with rage and vitriol (刻薄的话),” Ding told Rest of World. A post can quickly spiral into a thread of personal attacks against everyone involved. Ding said the momo identity was liberating because she could shield herself from rabid (偏激的) fans by adopting a more inconspicuous (不引人注意的) persona.In February this year, famous Chinese actor Chen Feiyu filed a defamation lawsuit against a Douban user named momo, for accusing him of being involved in an inappropriate relationship with a fan. In response, many Douban users changed their usernames to momo, and adopted “We are all momo” as a rallying cry.Some social media users have come to see fellow momos as a community of like-minded people, looking for a more tolerant and inclusive space of discourse on the Chinese internet. “Being a momo makes me feel safe from judgments and gives me a sense of belonging,” Yuxuan Che, a college student who goes by momo on Xiaohongshu, told Rest of World.放弃个性化头像昵称而“跃入人海”,是互联网时代人们的自由权利。但无论是出于何种缘由,并非变成“momo”就可以为所欲为,自由应有边界,只有守护好底线,做一个“好momo”,才能真正获得“隐身”带来的安全感。文章来源:CATTI中心【特别声明】本公众平台除特别注明原创或授权转载外,其他文章均为转载,版权归原作者或平台所有,出于传递信息之目的,并没有任何商业目的。本公号尊重知识产权,如无意中侵犯了您的权益,请及时联系后台,本公号将及时删除。

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